Find all open source software hiding in your code.

Deliver complete SBOM reports with confidence for greater license compliance and security without disrupting the productivity of your developers.

Software Composition Analysis tools and expertise trusted by enterprise software teams worldwide.

What can you do with FossID?

Unleash AI-Generated Code with Confidence

Generative AI coding assistants are a game-changer. FossID enables your developers to take advantage without increasing your security and license compliance risks.

FossID Workbench includes a language-agnostic scanner that assures you that all open source software, down to the copy-pasted or AI-generated snippet is identified.

AI-Generated Code
Ingest & Generate

Ingest and Generate Complete SBOMs

Ingest supplier SBOMs, consolidate and export NTIA-compliant SBOMs so you can easily meet regulatory security requirements.

Automatically export and import Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) or Cyclone DX reports containing license text, copyright statements, vulnerabilities and even snippet level information.

Streamline Technical Due Diligence

An open source software audit is a critical step in the M&A process to ensure license and copyright compliance, minimize security risks, clarify asset value and support strategic decision-making.

FossID protects intellectual property (IP) and streamlines the process by using “blind scan” technology that does not require the target’s source code.


Outcomes that DevOps, engineers, compliance and legal counsel will love.

Software Composition Analysis involves many stakeholders. FossID SCA tools are built with each team member in mind. FossID fits into your workflow with multiple interfaces and integrations.

We Accelerate Your Success

Open source license compliance and vulnerability management is a heavy lift. You don’t have to do it alone. FossID provides Baselining and Virtual Open Source Auditor services to get you up to speed fast and support as you go.

FossID audit services ensure you have open source experts leading the way and freeing up your team.


Powered by the Industry-Leading OSS Intelligence Database

Our OSS intelligence database is maintained and curated by a dedicated research team. It covers over 3 Petabytes of software components coming from dozens of public sources and user contribution sites.


Software Components


Software Licenses


Vulnerable Snippets

Your Success is Our Top Priority

“Partnering with FossID helps us provide more value to our customers with higher speed and better accuracy. Using FossID technology, we typically see more precise results with less redundancy, and we can speed up the timeline, which is a big advantage for our customers. We have successfully replaced legacy scanning tools with FossID in large managed services projects for customers like Swisscom.”

Donald Wachs

Head of Business Services, BearingPoint

Bearing Point

Ready to Master Open Source?

Book a discovery call with one of our experts to discuss your business needs and how our tools and services can help.